Thursday 4 June 2015

Tracking UoPeople and President Shai Reshef Online

Tracking President Shai Reshef Online for events, conferences, interviews, shows, talks, international visits and general Shai Reshef/Students-UoPeople related information and leads.

...Still Updating

You can Google about UoPeople and learn more about the great things happening as regards UoPeople. Once you do a Google search for something, I believe that you are already having a measure of interest for that thing. The result of your search will further create the bond and information that you need to start your academic journey as a student at UoPeople. From collaboration and great partnerships with New York University, to partnerships with HP, BAV Consulting and the likes, you will understand that UoPeople is a mission driven by a well-focused vision. 

You can be part of that vision and also succeed especially when people and the situation around you as proven that you cannot succeed. You can read more elaborately about UoPeople on the UoPeople website and what is next, you can apply to become a student right away. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step, endeavor to join the crew that works and that wins!


    The Learning Affiliates is a blogsite which contains information that has to do with enlightening onliners about educational and life ...