About Us


LEARNING AFFILIATES is a one stop place to register for your online academic programmes and shop for great life improvement utilities.


We are learning consultants, we support the online community of learners, students, surfers and consumers for purposes centered around educational initiatives, inspirational stories, scholarship opportunities, university programmes e.t.c 


We focus on our inspired experiences to assist you in your online quest. We announce benefits and opportunities that would improve your life and well being. We believe that a qualitative life is possible and learning is usually the primary way to achieve that.





Ask Learning Affiliates about an institution, service and product.


Click here to apply to UoPeople 

      Click here to register for Edureka

 Click here to register for JOHNAcademy


Click to download report, I'm featured on Pg 16

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    The Learning Affiliates is a blogsite which contains information that has to do with enlightening onliners about educational and life ...