Featured Services


Do well to follow the link below to register for free and paid for courses at Faith Lead University. Receive a certification after completion, join a lively multicultural faith-based learning institution.



Onpab Limited:

Onpab limited is an IT training firm in Nigeria. They are located in the heart of Ughelli, Delta State. Nigeria.

Training in IT courses such as digital marketing, Apps development and Website designing e.t.c.

To know more about their services you can click the link below to locate them.



Not sure where to travel to, try Al fresco guide, support and park finder.

Not sure where to travel to, try Al fresco guide, support and park finder to locate a place for great experiences!


Click here to Access: Al Fresco Holidays




There are a lot of reasons to choose us to host your website, but we've highlighted some of the best below:

Click here to Access: WebHostingPad

Benefits of using WebHostingPad services:

Free Domain Registration or Transfer

Free Mobile-Ready Site Builders

Free Website Transfer

Free Easy-to-Use Control Panel

Free Unlimited Email Accounts

Free E-Commerce Integrations

SSL Secure Sites

Automated Weekly Backup Service




Benefits of MentalUP For Children:

Educational brain exercises develop cognitive skills and boost school success.

Strengthen memory skills.

Improve concentration skills and attention disorders.

Comprehensive performance reports help parents discover their children’s strengths.

Beneficial screen time for kids.

Ad-free and safe online contents for children.


Brain games improve thinking and learning skills of children in regular use.

"Skills analysis" where you can discover your child’s strengths

Full access to all exercises to strengthen weak skills according to skill analysis

Comparison option with peers

Gamification features to support regular use

On regular use, you can track development of your child

"Working Report" to make sure that they have a balanced mental development

 "As a licensed clinical psychologist providing telehealth during the pandemic, MentalUP has been an amazing resource! I use the Brain Games and Concentration Games with my entire caseload of patients and have seen vast improvements in focus and concentration as well as sustaining attention in those diagnosed with ADHD."


Click here to access: MentalUP




Building connections that really matter no contracts, ever.

Benefits of Mate’s services:

Unlimited data on all plans

All Aussie based support

No setup fee on all BYO modem plans

No plan change fees


Click here to access: Mate Internet and Mobile



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    The Learning Affiliates is a blogsite which contains information that has to do with enlightening onliners about educational and life ...