Saturday 12 July 2014

Plans to Meet Mrs Adeola Ogechi in Lagos, Nigeria in July 2014

Mrs Adeola Ogechi in Lagos, Nigeria in July 2014


Planning to meet the assistant Dean of Business Administration at UoPeople in Lagos Nigeria is my next ordeal. July 2014 is our proposed meeting date. Last month she was not around much to attend to my visit. 

Now that she is around, I am yet to finalize on when to meet her either at Pan African University in Lekki, Lagos or wherever she chooses for us to me. I will be going to see Adeola Ogechi, she is someone you want to meet at UoPeople. And I have a bias towards that expression because she is my fellow Nigerian... As soon as I meet her, I will share my experience on this blog. 

For more information about Mrs Adeola Ogechi's profile visit the UoPeople website and do not forget to submit your application to become a student.

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