Wednesday 20 August 2014

Introducing Leke

Leke Oshiyemi 


Leke Oshiyemi is a seasoned HR practitioner with vast experience in the field of Human Resources, personnel recruitment and coaching. He is one of the motivations behind finding UoPeople. I remember all his talks about going back to school, but little did he know about my UoPeople and enrollment until recently. He has worked as an HR Practitioner and Manager in Honeywel, Reckrut Consulting, Verod Capital and presently works in consolidated Breweries. 
He happened to be my brother and a mentor, what’s more is that he is also a goal getter, which makes us have something in common. I also spoke with him about the plans to have a scholarship fund for those less privileged but in dare need for tertiary education, to this effect I am anticipating a close door meeting with him, as a sequel to our discussion on the issue. You can also donate to support UoPeople students that don’t have the funds to start or continue in their studies. You can donate be visiting the UoPeople website.

Plans to Meet Mavi S. Isibor

"Our enablers are our
stakeholders. They ensure
our survivability and
Mavi S. Isibor, Poise Nigeria Limited

The fore quote, was the submission of the Nigerian CEO Mavi S. Isibor in the compilation done by the UN Global Compact-Accenture CEO Study 2010.
The study is aimed at addressing a new era in sustainability. Among the varied contributions of CEOs and global leaders in industries across the globe, my eye glued to the Nigerian company representative among the UNGC's 58 CEO respondents from Africa and the Middle East. Citing of some other contributions from other global CEO's, addressing the need for a keen sustainability approach to business enterprises locally and globally.

The key take away for me after reading this report which was one of the study material for my 'Business and Society' course in just concluded Term 5 at Uopeople, is that we can conclude that the majority of Global Compact CEOs now believe that sustainability issues should be fully integrated into core business, and this summarizes the report. Studying the report however will prove that that there is still so much to the issue of sustainability such as education/reorientation of both internal and external customers on the issue of sustainability, other concerns are human right issues, environment issues, labor standards and anti-corruption.

From the report, the following results interest me also:
93% of CEOs believe that sustainability issues will be critical to the future success of their business.
96% of CEOs believe that sustainability issues should be fully integrated into the strategy and operations of a company (up from 72% in 2007).

What comes to my mind is selflessness and I have been thinking of meeting Mavi S. Isibor to share with her, the idea I’m nurturing in regards to the drive and purpose this whole study has erupted in me. First of those would be to develop a scholarship fund for those in Nigeria who are truly less privileged but would like to attend a school like the University of the People.

After meeting with Mavi about this proposed initiative, something should crop up that can make this happen, in my best guess this is part of social responsibility movement and a form of sustainability program of sharing and lending resources to where they are needed but less available due to circumstances that are not self determined. Success is possible for everyone, you too can apply today to become a student at UoPeople.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Meeting with Mrs Adeola Ogechi of UoPeople 6th/August/2014.....Assitant dean of Business Admin Faculty UoPeople.....A dream come through finally

It was a real exciting time to meet the assistant dean of the Business Administration Dept, UoPeople. After all the postponement encountered, we finally met at the Lagos Business School in Ajah just after Lekki in Lagos Island..
After confirming that we will meet that Wednesday, I got to the LBS gate and the rest is a recount which I will simply enlighten you about.

After knocking, I got into her office and then she was so busy for a couple of time working to meet some deadline for a client. By the way Mrs Adeola handles the Marketing faculty at LBS just like we will wish.
All the time she apologized about not giving me full attention at the time she tried to round up the presentation for her client. After some time she finished and we got talking.

Mrs Adeola: So you said you wanted to see me.
Kolawole: Yes...
Kolawole: That art work on your wall, is that Venus?

On and on we went, however, we exchanged just a few words, and afterwards we concluded on going for launch at the LBS restaurant. We ate and got back to talking, I asked about how she got on board in the UoPeople management and the truth is that it was by an act of God, hard work and opportunity. Time and chance happens to them all according to King Solomon.

In conclusion, the meeting was great. Some information gathered include a Masters program is to be started by UoPoeple soon. She recounted about her joy in attending the New York outing with UoPeople leadership and members. Well, I got new vision and more from that meeting and I will keep this blog updated with progress report.



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