Wednesday 6 August 2014

Meeting with Mrs Adeola Ogechi of UoPeople 6th/August/2014.....Assitant dean of Business Admin Faculty UoPeople.....A dream come through finally

It was a real exciting time to meet the assistant dean of the Business Administration Dept, UoPeople. After all the postponement encountered, we finally met at the Lagos Business School in Ajah just after Lekki in Lagos Island..
After confirming that we will meet that Wednesday, I got to the LBS gate and the rest is a recount which I will simply enlighten you about.

After knocking, I got into her office and then she was so busy for a couple of time working to meet some deadline for a client. By the way Mrs Adeola handles the Marketing faculty at LBS just like we will wish.
All the time she apologized about not giving me full attention at the time she tried to round up the presentation for her client. After some time she finished and we got talking.

Mrs Adeola: So you said you wanted to see me.
Kolawole: Yes...
Kolawole: That art work on your wall, is that Venus?

On and on we went, however, we exchanged just a few words, and afterwards we concluded on going for launch at the LBS restaurant. We ate and got back to talking, I asked about how she got on board in the UoPeople management and the truth is that it was by an act of God, hard work and opportunity. Time and chance happens to them all according to King Solomon.

In conclusion, the meeting was great. Some information gathered include a Masters program is to be started by UoPoeple soon. She recounted about her joy in attending the New York outing with UoPeople leadership and members. Well, I got new vision and more from that meeting and I will keep this blog updated with progress report.


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