Thursday 11 September 2014

Started my Internship at BAV Consulting, USA. Today 11/09/2014

Internship at BAV Consulting, USA
It was a great experience today as we connected online to chat with Ms Sandra of BAV Consulting USA, as we started our internship program. It is duration of 20 weeks, lots of knowledge is gained already and it is going to be really exciting. Prompt response from Ms Sandra can't be over appreciated. Seeing her come up on the screen while she lectured is a rejuvenating sight. And her vast experience from the branding and marketing strategy background is revealed in the sage instructional materials she lectures every week. I want to say here that information is real and that one is practically deformed without information. 

BAV is grooming us to be research savvy and knowledge minded, one of the crucial and critical give away is that of the marketing nuggets that are targeted at getting the kind of detailed result that are needed, especially for that of University of the People's cross border marketing campaigns and advertisements. Low cost advertisement is a big concern area for UoPeople especially because of the present low revenue generation capacity of the institution when compared with other for profit online Universities. 

The University of the People's president is leading the advertisement face for the University, and so far so many media bodies have been reached, engaged and involved. Learning affiliates is a blog that is acting as a supporting voice towards the accomplishment of reaching more people with UoPeople’s goals and visions. Having a team to work with me in accomplishing this is also crucial for me at this time, the great starting point for you is to become a student at UoPeople. 

Monday 1 September 2014

He is Chris Effi, he is now a student at UoPeople

Student at UoPeople


I'm Chris Sammy from Nigeria. I am delighted to express my profound gratitude to God Almighty, always leading me in line with His purpose for my life. I am where I am today because of His unwavering love for me.
Also I will like to use this platform to express my appreciation and joy to Dr. Strive Masiyiwa. The only African digitize entrepreneur. He has invested a lot of his time nurturing and molding the mind of young Africans who wants to excel in any area of life endeavour. You are my Hero sir.

It was through his page on yookos and Facebook I got know about the University of the People. 
I can't end this piece without acknowledging the esteem and relentless staff community of the University of the People. They made my admission processes simpler than I thought with their prompt responses to my mails at all times. You are people are the best.
Special thank goes to my senior student here in Nigeria, in the person of Mr. Kolawole for all the useful information you always made available to me. Sir, it has helped me to be a part of the University of the People today.

Thank you so very much.

Mr Chris Effi Sammy


UoPeople Certificate finally reached me on 28th August 2014

UoPeople Certificate


    The Learning Affiliates is a blogsite which contains information that has to do with enlightening onliners about educational and life ...