Monday 1 September 2014

He is Chris Effi, he is now a student at UoPeople

Student at UoPeople


I'm Chris Sammy from Nigeria. I am delighted to express my profound gratitude to God Almighty, always leading me in line with His purpose for my life. I am where I am today because of His unwavering love for me.
Also I will like to use this platform to express my appreciation and joy to Dr. Strive Masiyiwa. The only African digitize entrepreneur. He has invested a lot of his time nurturing and molding the mind of young Africans who wants to excel in any area of life endeavour. You are my Hero sir.

It was through his page on yookos and Facebook I got know about the University of the People. 
I can't end this piece without acknowledging the esteem and relentless staff community of the University of the People. They made my admission processes simpler than I thought with their prompt responses to my mails at all times. You are people are the best.
Special thank goes to my senior student here in Nigeria, in the person of Mr. Kolawole for all the useful information you always made available to me. Sir, it has helped me to be a part of the University of the People today.

Thank you so very much.

Mr Chris Effi Sammy


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