Monday 19 January 2015

I'm Featured in UoPeople 2014 annual report

UoPeople 2014 annual report
I was informed that I might be included in the UoPeople annual report and so it was, checking the annual report today. I found out my picture was included, where I rested on a car's door belonging to one of my friends. I thank God for such an achievement and publicity. UoPeople is a joy and it will remain so, I pray for others coming into the UoPeople community soon, they too can achieve their dreams and become great in their chosen career or path.

You can read about the annual report in the UoPeople website, it is archived there. Click to download report, I'm featured on Pg 16

Getting it right from the first day at UoPeople is a right thinking. It is advisable for students to devote their best shot to their studies from the onset of the Term and each Term is an opportunity to progress successfully. There are lots of distractions if they are allowed, one of my tactics is tp focus on the academics but never to forget to socialize. Having the mindset of leadership is also very necessary in making significant headway in the administration and management of your academic goal or vision. Have informats that keep you informed among your colleagues to notify you of deadlines but make sure you use the University calendar to stay on track for yourself, keep in touch with the right people. Socializing should be an active and regular activity for an online student. It is not in as much as how many friends one makes anyway, but how much more engagement is initiated with them. 

The University of the People is ever revolving and changing, that proves a lot about what the University’s management is capable of now and in the future. University of the people is a future school, it deserves a future award, and so far so good in the present it is already making so much progress among the corporate education and social driven entities, this is good for the University and its graduates. Because of the strong brand UoPeople has, graduates would have an edge when they opt for jobs in the corporate environment. It's an elaborate vision that UoPeople has and so far so good, adequate management and lots of volunteering support from strong and vibrant qualified institutional academia workforce has helped immensely.

Rounding up at BAV Consulting

Internship at BAV Consulting, USA
I am almost rounding up at BAV internship program slated for February 2015. These are names of my colleagues at BAV internship. We are in the phase of country creative brief  and presentations.

Debbie Time
Adeyinka Oke
Manuel Daclan
Fon Gildas
Ngol'esueh divine epie
Louvedo Ilan
Chien H
Judith Jean-Louis

Congrats to all of my Colleagues for the achievement of this great feat. The country pitch were the highlight of the BAV Consulting internship program. There were many generated insight for proper target marketing and advertisements for the different countries. The reason for the internship is not far fetched, it is a corporate job experience in a way, and it is good for employability. 

The adobe connect technology is a nice platform for learning process and presentation of ideas, that was the software used for our meetings, conferencing, participation and learning sessions during the UoPeople-BAV Consulting internship. I was able to do creative designs for two of my colleagues, and my submissions were well appreciated by Ms Sandra from BAV. 

She certainly does have a nice time facilitating the internship project and she has huge marketing and brand management experience, it's usually fun and mutually exciting presentation time. The sessions continually exude the right kaizen and idea generation, to say that the internship project was a life improvement opportunity is to say the least.


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