Tuesday 10 June 2014

Finding UoPeople

Finding UoPeople is what I want to write about today:

I was despondent and thought for a while, does this mean that I would not actually meet my higher education goals?

The entire previous attempts at it seem abortive. I had to give it up at a time to focus on business in the real estate field with marketing and sales function. At the onset of the business I did well, rented out some properties and all seem well. But I heard voices of people that had concern for me to go back to school and finish up the hurdle. Just at the nick of time, what that later meant to me was, 'finding UoPeople'. What do I mean; well, I illustrated that I was somewhat frustrated trying to get a degree though I knew the importance of education and degree especially in Africa and Nigeria, my home country.

At one of those despondent moments, synonymous with confusion and anguish, asking myself why haven't I rounded up a degree program by now. I did an internet search for online colleagues and found UoPeople meeting. UoPeople came with lots and lots of interesting packages which I would share in my upcoming posts. UoPeople's website was built with a purpose to attract people with tertiary education dreams. I registered for a Business Administration Course at UoPeople and the rest is history, because by August 2014 I would have gotten a Diploma in Business Administration from the school, and by 2015, I would bagged my degree. 

With the unanimous kindness of the school and its many supporters I have been able to achieve this fit. I celebrate UoPeople and all its supporters and partners. Most importantly I thank God, because I am having an accredited diploma and degree from UoPeople. The path to this height was not easy, but it was worth it. For example I got a scholarship at UoPeople and that means a waiving of $2020 and $4020. With a degree certificate from UoPeople, UoPeople is more like a reward for some of my work and service in the household of God. So, always remain fervent in serving God, you will be surprise of the various ways God can reward you and reshape your life.

Stay focus and keep updating.

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