Monday 28 July 2014

My Ambassadorial Function: More students need the UoPeople Opportunity, lets join the mission to reach them with information

Students need the UoPeople Opportunity


It all starts with information!:

 UoPeople's flier is placed in a cyber cafee in Lagos, for likely prospects to see it in Gbagada, Lagos, Nigeria. After speaking with the owner of the cafe about the UoPeople study opportunity this was pasted. Many more people are helping to spread the word about UoPeople, you too can do so.

 A meeting with a barber, a lad who is a likely prospect in a barber's shop in Lagos, he could also become a student.

Meeting and talking with likely students on the street of Lagos. Behind is a mobile phone engineer who also sees this study at UoPeople as a great opportunity

Performing some UoPeople ambassadorial function in June 2014 at Lagos City

UoPeople ambassador function in June 2014 at Lagos City
Performing UoPeople ambassadorial work to me means, reaching out to get more students for UoPeople.
Most likely, these are prospecting student and everyday people that have been denied education because of one reason or the other. Some people spoken with, see UoPeople as their best chance for tertiary education.
A whole generation of youth might waste away in Africa if education is not taking very crucial and seen as a rescue mission. Thanks to UoPeople and the opportunity it offers to people in Africa and the rest of the world.

I am expecting my UoPeople Diploma Certificate in August

UoPeople Diploma Certificate in August

By the 9th week of August, I will be expecting that my diploma certificate will be sent to me from UoPeople after rigorous three years of studies. The journey has been a real challenge, with many hurdles to overcome. But like they say, it all seemed like yesterday. A UoPeople degree certificate will create many advantages for anyone especially in Africa, since it is an American degree. A UoPeople degee is an accredited degree and supported by well known international bodies. 

The opportunities are limitless, already what I have learned at UoPeople are opening my eyes to opportunities and UoPeople is always redefining itself, telling me that I always have to become better also. I will definitely love to do my masters in UoPeople when it gets started. Most likely, I will be one of the first Masters student at UoPeople. Although UoPeople is presently running survey in choosing the best courses among;

Masters in Public Health,
Masters in Management,
Masters in Entrepreneurship,
Masters in Computer Science,
Masters in Business Analytics,

I will opt for the Masters in Management Program since I am already in the Business Administration/Project Management line. UoPeople is an exciting learning instrument for everyone.

...Mr. President Shai Rashef, I agree, the UoPoeple vision is such a prestigious vision. This is me and President Shai at Abuja, Nigeria. The UoPeople presidents visit different countries. He might come around your country soon. You too can become a student by starting your application today!

More on Mrs Adeola Ogechi......Assitant Dean of Busness Adninistration Dept...UoPeople

Assistant Dean of Business Administration Dept. at UoPeople
 More pictures from the last outing of the UoPeople staffs, affiliates, sponsors and student in New York City.

Captured in this picture is Debbie Time at the middle, a graduating UoPeople student, Mrs. Ogechi Adeola - Associate Dean of B.A. Lagos Business School on the left. And Dr. Michelle Rogers-Estable-Associate Dean of Arts & Sciences on the right. I will give you details of my meeting with Mrs Adeola, for I have not yet met her due to rescheduling on my path. It's a meeting to be held!

Saturday 12 July 2014

Plans to Meet Mrs Adeola Ogechi in Lagos, Nigeria in July 2014

Mrs Adeola Ogechi in Lagos, Nigeria in July 2014


Planning to meet the assistant Dean of Business Administration at UoPeople in Lagos Nigeria is my next ordeal. July 2014 is our proposed meeting date. Last month she was not around much to attend to my visit. 

Now that she is around, I am yet to finalize on when to meet her either at Pan African University in Lekki, Lagos or wherever she chooses for us to me. I will be going to see Adeola Ogechi, she is someone you want to meet at UoPeople. And I have a bias towards that expression because she is my fellow Nigerian... As soon as I meet her, I will share my experience on this blog. 

For more information about Mrs Adeola Ogechi's profile visit the UoPeople website and do not forget to submit your application to become a student.


    The Learning Affiliates is a blogsite which contains information that has to do with enlightening onliners about educational and life ...